Wednesday 26 August 2009

On post-gym smugness

Liz: the price of my gym membership - extortionate; the smug feeling of being at the office early having swum 30 lengths - priceless.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

On resurrecting 19th century words

Liz and Katie are single-handedly bringing back "swoon". Some words need to brought into the 21st century.

Monday 24 August 2009

On being a hopeless singleton

Liz has suddenly started talking to herself in Bridget Jones-esque clichés. "Note to self: this is neither clever, funny or attractive".

Sunday 23 August 2009

On being pragmatic at momentous sporting moments missed

Liz was - of course - on the tube when England reclaimed the Ashes. However, missing a glorious victory is hugely preferable to witnessing a crushing defeat.

On God's ability to intervene in the Ashes

Liz reckons it's in God's best interests to ensure the test match gets wrapped up before church tonight.

On the joys of low-fat Ben & Jerry's

Liz is gazing into the depths of a tub of low-fat phish food and may be gone for some time.

Thursday 20 August 2009

On post Sister Act elation

Liz would very much like to become a singing nun with a sparkly habit - as long as she didn't have to make any of those pesky vows.

Wednesday 19 August 2009

On terrifying bedroom situations

Liz is in the middle of a dire arachnid situation. It's huge (actually huge - I'm usually good at getting rid of them), possibly tropical and right above my bed. Trying to decide how to proceed...

Tuesday 18 August 2009

On the flimsiness of flat-pack furniture

Liz just suffered a major wardrobe malfunction. (Furniture not clothing.)

Monday 17 August 2009

On good smelling food in confined spaces

Liz thinks the person carrying take-away pizza home on the tube should have had more consideration for their fellow (hungry) passengers. They could at least have shared a bit after making the carriage smell so good!

On counting chickens on the way to the station

Liz should've known better than to think to herself "wow, I'm earlier than I thought", because of course, that was the moment she discovered a police cordon blocking the rest of the route to the station.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

On eating as an extreme sport

Liz has invented a new extreme sport: eating sour skittles despite having mouth ulcers - a strangely addictive combination of pleasure and pain.

On insomnia & its educational benefits

Liz likes learning new things - like random facts about Mammoths - but not at 4am when she should be fast asleep.

Monday 10 August 2009

On eating with interesting implements

Liz thinks food (nearly) always tastes better when eaten with chopsticks. It certainly lasts longer.

Saturday 8 August 2009

On insomnia and Big Brother

Liz has realised that there's nothing more frustrating than watching people sleeping live on TV when you can't get to sleep.

Friday 7 August 2009

On insomnia & TV schedules

Liz has discovered that Loose Women is repeated at 3am. Sadly she did not discover this by reading a TV guide. *Yawn*

Thursday 6 August 2009

On not paying attention properly

Liz should've paid more attention the the weather forecast instead of concentrating on the 'hot' bit, rather than the 'torrential rain showers' bit. She's now wet, bedraggled, in need of dinner, a mug of tea and a hug.

Tuesday 4 August 2009

On justifying further handbag purchases

Liz has made up for a long, long day with the purchase of another aesthetic & functional O&N bag. (Today's bag has a totally different function to the one acquired 2 weeks ago - she does have some control of her shopping habits.)

Saturday 1 August 2009

On the role of gospel singing in exacerbating bad weather

Liz is wondering whether singing "Send your rain down" this afternoon only served to exacerbate the dismal weather situation.