Friday 30 April 2010

On sagely advice

Liz is enjoying the irony of the fact that she's dispensing the advice she should have taken herself an awfully long time ago. Clearly wisdom doesn't come with age...

Thursday 29 April 2010

On the damage summer does to feet

Liz has feet that are covered in a patchwork of assorted plasters - unicorns, Snoopy, Mr Bump, clear and cushioned - she's walking the fine line between needing blister protection and triggering her plaster allergy...

Wednesday 28 April 2010

On moments of cheer during days of despair

Liz was suitably cheered on her long walk home by a random man in a cloak shouting at her: "Cheer up! I'm the goth - you should be smiling!"

On divine diets

Liz resisted ordering amazing pub chips at lunch, but it turned out God wanted her to have some and ensured their delivery. Free food's calorie-free though, surely?

Sunday 25 April 2010

On the parental dangers of blogging

Liz has just discovered her parents have weekly "let's discuss what Liz has written on her blog" sessions and keep score of how many times they get mentioned. How can this be normal?

Friday 23 April 2010

On appropriate locations for whipped cream

Liz‎'s thoughtless comment of the day: "there's an appropriate place for whipped cream - on top of coffee in Starbucks is not it."

Thursday 22 April 2010

On new shoes & blood stains

Liz forgot the golden rule of new shoe wearing - always have plasters. Another good thing about red shoes: the blood stains don't show...

Wednesday 21 April 2010

On over-exaggerating a friend's mistakes while driving

Liz has never achieved so much with so few syllables. One "errrrrrmmmmmm!" was all it took to save not just one, but two lives...

On new shoes versus work

Liz was overjoyed to reach her desk this morning - though this was more to do with the shoebox sat on it (containing shiny red shoes) than the excitement of another day's work.

Thursday 15 April 2010

On political disillusionment

Liz is not watching the debate and is instead cleaning the bathroom. That's how disillusioned she's become with British politics. Her former politics teachers would be so sad...

On family members affected by volcanic ash

Liz is relieved that both family members that were stranded on the wrong side of different bits of water (Manchester & Germany) now have alternative transport home. Fortunately neither have had to resort to swimming.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

On blindness and parents

Liz travelled to Manchester and back without her glasses and got 20mins with her Dad. Two achievements, though fortunately after 28 years she's now able to identify her father despite visual impairment.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

On being prepared for marriage

Liz has just discovered a wedding dress at the back of her cupboard of junk...sometimes she really does take 'be prepared' far too seriously.

Thursday 8 April 2010

On random Friends trivia

Liz has just heard the best piece of TV trivia courtesy of E4's continuity announcer: "This is the first episode of Friends ever shown on E4 and this is the 65th time it's been on."

Monday 5 April 2010

On sororal telepathy and dressing

Liz has successfully dressed without wearing the same outfit as her sister - unlike yesterday. Crazy sororal telepathy...

Friday 2 April 2010

On sisterly arguments resulting from diets

Liz would like some clothes back from her sister, having given them to her when they no longer fitted. Now that they'll fit again, Liz would like to wear them but her sister says that this is quite unreasonable. Who's right?